Google Shopping & More

Comparison Shopping

Comparison shopping engines

Led by Google Shopping, comparison shopping engines (CSE) have become a critical element in online visibility and search marketing. To fully harness the power of a CSE, it takes a significant amount of heavy lifting. From generating and managing the feed from your site’s shopping cart to optimizing it for the engines themselves, it can take weeks to learn how to manipulate and optimize the initial feed.

The Point Partners have developed an inclusive shopping comparison websites solution which manages CSEs, such as Google Shopping, to deliver the visibility and returns our clients have come to expect. We go beyond the standard guidelines provided by Google and other engines to develop a highly specialized feed to take advantage of your best products for enhanced visibility.

Using a mix of in-house and third party proprietary tools, we have developed best practices that demystify the process. By using sophisticated reporting, we maximize ROI and product performance to not only drive CSE performance but provide greater insight. Here’s what to expect when using The Point Partners for your CSE needs:

  • Up to three feeds (Google, Bing, Amazon, etc. – each additional engine is $99/month)
  • Up to 5,000 products ($5 for each additional 1,000 products)
  • Real-time feed updates
  • Optimized feed delivery to CSEs (up to five times/day)
  • Customize titles, descriptions and attributes to enhance relevancy
  • Tailor feed to facilitate smart campaign development
  • Hand crafted campaign development to strict product segmentation for optimization
  • Intra-day bidding updates based on specific performance (product, device, location, time of day, etc.)
  • Impression optimization to reduce wasteful spend and spotlight top performers
  • Brand/category & product level performance details

Have comparison shopping questions?

Take your Google Shopping campaigns to the next level. From feed creation to product-level search query optimization and everything in between, The Point Partners have you covered. Schedule a Shopping Channel review today!

*At this time this is not a standalone product offering. Pricing starts at $499/month for all clients. Please contact us for more details.

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